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Professor Burlui held numerous leadership positions, among which the positions of the Rector of the ‘Gr, casa de pariuri fortuna. Popa’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy; Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Director of WHO, Ia?i branch. At this moment, he is the President and Founder of the ‘Apollonia’ University of Ia?i, as well as the President of the ‘Saint Apollonia’ and ‘People of the Citadel’ Foundations. He is also the Founder of the International Journal of Medical Dentistry (IJMD), and of the International Journal of Communication Research (IJCR), being the Editor-in-Chief of these publications. PhD Vasile Burlui is the President of Cartea Romaneasca Educational Publishing House. Professor Vasile Burlui is the President, Vice-President and a member of many national and international scientific, academic, cultural and social societies, such as the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Romanian Academy of Scientists, the French National Academy of Dental Surgery, the Royal College of Surgeons of England, the Academy of Dentistry International, the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, etc. Professor Vasile Burlui wrote 18 volumes of poems, and he is a member of the Union of Writers of Romania. Vasile Burlui published numerous specialized scientific articles, and following his medical and scientific activity he received a large number of awards and honors. Among them: Doctor Honoris Causa of the ‘Pro-Deo’ University of Rome, Vatican; ‘CI Parhon’ Award of the Romanian Academy; Doctor Honoris Causa of the ‘Dunarea de Jos’ University, Galati, 2014; Distinction of Honor and medal received from Pope Benedict XVI, and others. Among the recent achievements of Professor Dr. Vasile Burlui: ‘ Introduction of the medical concept in the field of dental prosthetics and gnatoprosthetic dentistry, systematization of the clinical examination, diagnosis and treatment plan; ‘ Establishing a diagnostic scheme and a complex etiopathogenic therapeutic scheme in the dysfunctional syndrome of the stomatognathic system; ‘ Studies on biomaterials used in implantology, co-author of the hydroxyl production of Romanian apatite, Maprodent and Exaprent materials, manufactured by Astra Cluj; ‘ Population studies, with impact on the evaluation of oral health and tracing the trajectories of prevention and specific treatment; ‘ Realization of devices and instruments of original design: parallelograph used in the parallel preparations of organic substructures, parallelogram for direct isodromy, gnatodynamometer, device for determining the masseter myotatic reflex, electronic device for determining muscle fatigue in the mandible muscles, galvanic polishing machine, In vacuum, apparatus for the automatic recording, analysis and classification of occlusal noises. The research results have been published in more than 20 books, 150 articles in specialized journals, and presented during participation in national and international conferences. Professor Burlui has been the Manager and a member of many research grants. Razvan Marcu?, the winner of the EUROINVENT grand prize. Arkase , the invention of the engineer Razvan Marcus from Hunedoara County, was awarded the gold medal at this year’s edition of the Euroinvent ‘ European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation ‘ Iasi, May 20-21, while also receiving a special prize of 10,000 lei offered by the Dan Voiculescu Foundation through the Scientific Senate. Push Beyond Pain (Ex) You gain a +2 morale bonus on saves against fatigue and exhaustion effects. In addition you add 10 to the number of rounds you can hold your breath for before you need to make Constitution checks to avoid drowning or suffocating, casa de pariuri fortuna. Finally, you gain a +4 morale bonus on saves to continue running for protracted periods of time (as is the case with the ‘local movement’ rules). When an adjacent creature suffering from a fear effect attempts to move away from you, as a reaction you may attempt a special Intimidate check to demoralize them. If you succeed, the creature loses the action and remains adjacent to you. You must be at least 10th level to take this discipline. Spell Breaker (Ex) You gain Spellbane as a bonus feat. In addition, when you march the bonus this provides increases by +1/4th your astral marine level (minimum +1) until the start of your next turn. You retain this feat and its benefits even if you gain a spell-like ability. Superhuman Pain Tolerance (Ex) You gain 5 additional Stamina points. This stacks with Toughness. You must have either the extreme conditioning or push beyond pain discipline before selecting this one. Terror Trooper (Ex) Astral marines are trained to break not only the defenses and bodies of their foes but their will to fight as well. You add 1/2 your class level as an insight bonus on all Intimidate checks. Unit Cohesion (Ex) If an ally fired a range weapon while adjacent to you since the end of your last turn you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against whatever that ally targeted.

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Casa de pariuri Fortuna, pariuri sportive fortuna

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